This is a redesign of an older product. Now bigger, better, faster and easier to use. Lots of new features: more secure, internet enabled. Strap in and take a ride. Great product, great support.
Check out our other services.
New! "Features on demand": sign up today and first 3 requested features are free.
Price: as low as $5.00 a month per account!
(Contact us for details)
- Simple to use. Saves managers countless hours by having employees enter their data.
- Generate invoices for clients.
- Supports Internet. Automatic updates to use the latest version. Run from anywhere.
- Cross-Platform! Support for PC, Macintosh, Linux, Solaris.
- Time entry. Free form ("9 - 5", "2pm - 5:25am ") or daily total ("8")
- Administer multiple People, Projects (Contracts) and Companies.
- Support for Save, Reload, Export and Print on all screens.
- Create Reports by several categories, any information and date range.
- Descriptive Help within the program itself as well as tooltips.
- Support for multiple languages.
- Integration with other financial packages.
- We provide the support. No worries about maintenance, backups or other issues.
- Support for feature requests.
- Please use "demo" as login name and "demo" as password for a trial account.
- There are no limits on the account, but it is shared for everyone, so records may appear or disappear at any time.
- If you desire your own account to try out the software, please contact us.
System Requirements :
- Preferred client configuration: 1Ghz CPU, 256M Ram or better.
- Java VM 1.4 or better installed.
To install Sun's Java, click this : - it's free!
(click to see)